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I am not alone - Cadence Passmore

One of the parts we really grieve about not being able to gather in person for worship is missing our time of corporate prayer. And one of the most beautiful parts of that time is hearing the children pray. Please be strengthened and encouraged below by the words of Cadence Passmore. These words were from her personal journal, not initially intended for strengthening our church family. The Holy Spirit made an opportunity for us to hear about Cadence's words and with her permission, we share them with you. She is beautifully doing like her brother Paul exhorted: "as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling..." 

(If reading cursive is difficult for you):

We were meant to be with others! God made us to be communitive- and pro life. But now- which one? *If communitive, then not pro life; if pro life, then not communitive. Of course, my parents make that decision. We're in self-quarantine - and I feel desperately sad; we aren't meeting for church or anything. We were made to sing together- not sing along with/at a screen emptily. But then I listen to the words that I'm singing- "Hallelujah! I am not alone!..." and am instantly reminded that God is with me and I start singing the words with real meaning. I need reminders often that Jesus reigns and that he loves me and that he is with me. My God is in control of all things- even this coronavirus thing causing us to need to be locked up in our houses. He reigns, and he is our Rock. Even when the rest of the world comes crashing down, I can know that I am on a firm foundation. Christians are together in that- we all stand on the Rock. -- Cadence :)

*Here Cadence is fleshing out thoughts from a recent sermon where Pastor Matt talked about how Christians are always pro-life, and that right now being pro-life includes protecting vulnerable peoples' lives by not gathering and spreading germs. We do this out of love, not fear!

Cadence is a 12 year old member of Northside Church where she has attended for 9 years (communing 1 year 5 months). One thing she particularly enjoys about Northside is that it is cross-cultural. She is really missing "worshiping together and seeing everybody- actually being in person and worshiping with one voice to God." 


  1. What an encouragement! Praise God!!!

  2. Praise God for Cadence. ... and a child shell lead the way. Since meeting Cadence almost 9 years ago, at the age of approximately 4 she has always reminded me of an "old soul" for Jesus.
    I love reading her thoughts. She engages scripture as more of a young adult. She is also a part of our Women's Bible class on Saturday mornings. She adds a lot to our discussions. Thank God for her life.


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