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His face was set for Jerusalem, so we can choose suffering too

My heart was arrested and blessed as I received my sister's prayer request this morning and saw her covered-up body (but sure-can't-cover-it-up glory). As is so often the case, she reminded me of our veiled-in-flesh Jesus.

When she set out for Stanford, I wonder how excited those were who knew her.
I wonder if they imagined how she might use that crown.
What fame, what riches, what glory might follow.

As He set out for Jerusalem, I wonder how excited those were who knew him.
I wonder if they imagined how He might use that crown.
What fame, what riches, what glory might follow.

It was no mistake that He found Himself in Jerusalem. His face was set for it.
To pay the penalty for our sins, to die while rescuing.
He knew all along why he was going and what it would cost him.
But we were worth it to Him.

It was no mistake that she found herself with Covid patients today. Her face was set for it.
Because He did what He did for her, she can risk while rescuing.
She knows following Him will cost her.
But we were worth it to Him and so she is compelled.

She could gain a lot of earthly stuff with that brain of hers, her capacity at least close to equal to most men and women on earth. But she doesn't count equal-glory something for which she has to grasp. Glory is securely hers already, no justifying or proving necessary. Brother Jesus taught her the way, of course, right from the start never counting equality with God a thing to be grasped or exploited.

Womb to tomb He entered suffering for our sake. Too many examples to mention. A borrowed feed trough for a cradle all the way to a borrowed tomb, with no place of his own to lay his head in between. A naked, defenseless body receiving the wrath of God and just penalty for our sin. On his dying lips, a plea for others' forgiveness for they know not what they do. 

With His life and death He showed her to use her crown--her everything--as a means to serve, even patiently suffer for others' sake. For him, his afflictions would not at all be light, but they would be temporary and they would produce for Him (and us) an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison. And so in His strength, Lukeythia (and we) can continue to take on some light and momentary afflictions knowing that there will come a day when all that ends.

As she went into her week, she set her face toward Covid-19. She goes because she has a steady hope for her eternal future, not only for her near future. She has her gaze set on another home, and she is following her Savior's words that "if anyone wants to come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul?"

Following her prayer request, we heard first from her Groom:

"Lord, use Lukeythia to care well for her Covid patients today. I thank you for the courage, the skill, and compassion you have given her to serve your people during this time. I pray that even through all the layers of masks, goggles, hoods, and gowns, the light of Christ would shine through clearly, that Lukeythia's hands would be an extension of your strong and loving hands. Protect Lukeythia every moment of the day, not just when working with patients, but in the hallways, when interacting with colleagues, while eating lunch. Calm every fear. Give her peace. Grant her moments of rest and time for recovery. Return her safe and healthy to her family, who awaits her eagerly. We trust you, Lord, knowing you are our Good Shepherd, ever present with us. Amen."

As we head into Holy Week our minds begin to settle on all the faithful vulnerability and suffering of our Savior. For the joy set before him, he endured the cross with no covering on his body at all, doing for us what we couldn't do for ourselves. May our lives be marked by His love and sacrifice for us in ever-increasing glorious ways.

*Please share some more shout-outs and stories in the comments about folks at Northside who are using their lives for God's glory in ways for which you want to honor them! 


  1. Thank you for this wonderful highlight on our sister Lukeythia! We are so humbled and impressed by her skill and her loving service (now and always). Patients are always in good hands when they are with her!

  2. Thank you, Adrianne. Your words bring me to tears. So beautiful how you honor Lukeythia, and in so doing, bring even greater honor to our Heavenly Father and point us to Jesus.

  3. Beautifully written. Beautiful Savior. Beautiful Sister.

  4. Amen, amen, amen! To all of this article and everyone's comments. Praise the LORD for Lukeythia and how she points me to Jesus. You spur us on, sister. Thank you!

  5. Praising the Lord with you for Lukeythia. What a precious part of the body of Christ she is to all of us who know her.


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